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Volunteers Needed to
Make a Meadow:

Seeding, Weeding and Planting

Saturday, November 5

9:30 am - 12 noon

(rain date November 12)

Meet at Cow Barn parking lot (on left after Yacht Club)

Wear long sleeve shirts, pants and work gloves.


In lieu of doing a Holly Grove work day this fall we are working in our natural wildflower meadow area with students, families and adults. This area has naturally occurring Milkweed and Goldenrod which supports the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly. We have planted other native plants in here and are happy to report they are coming up. However, invasive Mugwort is a constant issue and is crowding out the plants we want. We are hopeful to get volunteers to help on this day to support our work. We will continue vine cutting this winter, as well, so stay tuned for the schedule.

monarch on goldenrod.jpg
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